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What is Theistic Satanism? A personal introduction

My own take on Theistic Satanism by Noctulius Balik

Theistic Satanism or spiritual Satanism is a form of Satanism with the belief that Satan is an actual deity or force to revere or worship. Though many Satanists do not believe that Satan or Lucifer should be worshipped- they take the view that Satan is a powerful force of some kind that makes us stronger, is one with those who follow him, and who makes us liberated and free from fear, unlike the white religions that fill people with a whole load of fears and ‘no you can’t’. Therefore Satan does not wish to be worshipped; he wishes man and woman to worship themselves, to be their own gods, confidently doing what they like in their lives without fear or guilt.

The Satanist says ‘yes I can’ as opposed to ‘no I can’t’; he or she follows a path of self confidence and self determination, avoiding what makes people oppressed and weak. The Satanist is an enemy of white religions, particularly the Abrahamic ones with their numerous condemnations of this and that.

One simple example for now: take homosexuality. It is a natural and genetic human condition; the white religions condemn it; they hound and imprison and murder gay people. They tell them they are inferior, they mock them and therefore drain many of them of their self confidence and their strength.

But the Satanist would say, people can do what they like sexually so long as it is agreed by both parties. It is none of our business.

So – you do what you want. And a key principle of Satanism for me is that Satanism is what I decide it is. I really enjoy listening to and understanding other takes on Satanism, and that can influence me, but the heart of the matter for me is that I decide for myself what I do with Satanism.

At the end of the day, the form of Satanism that one wishes to adopt is up to you; you should do whatever works for you. But an open mind is also a good thing, not least because it is the reverse of the closed mindset of the Abrahamic religions. Argument and debate are always good. Life is full of possibility and change, not least because we ourselves are constantly changing. Who knows who we might be tomorrow?

But the important thing is that tomorrow we are free to be whatever we wish; Satanists do not allow other people to decide that for them, thank you very much.